
Satellite sites for a job board

Challenge: Client had a job board with thousands of careers in various sectors. The goal was to attract more candidates in less interesting and narrow areas by having a separate career site for jobs in these industries and act as a standalone, white label site with personal logo, images, colors and content. 

Solution: The client’s job board was hosted by our JobMount job board product. We’ve created a separate XML feed for every requested industry and filled them with relevant jobs (technician jobs, education jobs, mechanic jobs, etc.)

We’ve configured and launched several career sites, each on its own domain, with its own logo, styling and content and populated them with industry-based jobs from the above-mentioned XML feeds.

Education Career Site → only jobs in the education sector
Mechanic Career Site → only jobs for mechanics

The application links on all career sites lead the candidates back to the original job postings on the client’s main job board. Such a decision was made to accumulate all applications in one place and track performance.

Results: Each career site is hosted on its own domain, but application links always lead back to the client’s main job board. This helped to generate additional traffic because every career site is hosted on it’s own domain and is indexed by Google individually. The client attracted a bigger audience of those who were searching for specific jobs in a particular industry, but didn’t want to spend too much time looking for them on general job boards. We also noticed better SEO performance and all jobs were indexed and displayed on Google for Jobs.

Apart from industry-based satellite sites, we can build them based on any other available criteria (employer-based, location-based, etc.)

For more information, please contact your CareerSiteCloud account manager.

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